This box totally came to me at surprised, and was delivered to my house without my knowledge. When I got the notice slip, i was like huh? No box to my knowledge, was scheduled to arrive to my house so I thought it could be a Etude House box. An hour after I found the notice, I saw the Memebox email and they said they have sent me the Korea's Most wanted 2 box for me to review. Honestly I was surprised when they terminated the Memebox influencer program since I only got accepted recently and then was sent the Sally's box products to review for them and then the program was ended. I was quite sad, but they they came out with a new program and I was invited. Of course I was gladly accepted but I didn't think anything would come out of it. So I'm super excited to do this unboxing for you, because well... you already know I'm a huge fan of Memebox already. Hehe! No surprised there.
So here it is, I'm babbling again keke. Sorry~~~
$32.00 + shipping
I know this is an old box, but I do like to document the boxes so i could look back at it for fun and hopefully it is helpful for you guys too ;). Enjoy!