When ELF came out with their new foundation, I was just like I got to have it. Oh my gosh a foundation for $6? BRING IT! I have wore it for prom and I have to say it is VERY good. For the price, color and texture, it is worth my money.
So my first impression of this product was, "wow elf really out did themselves! The packaging is heavy duty, tinted glass bottle and with a pump!" When I say heavy duty, I really do mean heavy duty. It feels like I'm holding a $70 foundation bottle from Armani or something.
Side packaging clearly states that it as a pump. Its so nice =3
That's the back...hmm yeah haha yey ingredients list?
More boring information...
The lids are absolutely beautiful and high quality, printed on is a frosted elf logo. Its so beautiful and sleek. =)
Without the lid. It looks kinda small in this picture, but its a reasonable size. Its about the size of your palm (just the bottle without the lid). Compare this to their new tinted moisturize, I'd put this one hands down.

The bottle is frosted and everything is just super sleek. As you can see, it has SPF 15 and it "says" oil free but the ingredients contains a lot of mineral oil. Watttt??
Left to right: Porcelain, sand
The texture is the best part is that its not as thick as MAC's foundation, actually I mean its FARRRRR from as thick as MAC's foundations but its thick enough to give you a medium coverage. It is definitely buildable, but I don't really need thick coverage. Plus when I put on my powder, its just right.
-price: B- ($6 each)
-packaging: B
-product quality: B
-Overall quality: B
-Buy again? Yes, I don't use liquid foundation but this one is a keeper.